The original bottle(s) shown below are not available for purchase. Scent Split hand-decants genuine fragrances into sample sizes. Scent Split has no affiliation with the manufacturers or brand owners of the designer fragrances.
Augusto Mazzolari, born on the 26th of May 1940 in Milan, Italy, begins his journey through perfumes as a child. His story tells of a passion for odours, which began in a room down the hallway at home, a workshop where his father kept all the different colognes, the perfume components and the many empty bottles. Shortly after he creates his first fragrances: MA, Jangada and Monsieur Odar and launches his first Biosterel International cosmetic line in 1966, with the opening of his first boutique store.
In the early ‘70s, his boutiques were quite a few already, and in the ‘80s so were his perfumes and cosmetic lines, which he creates with the uttermost passion and devotion. A great passion driven by respect for tradition, the strive for designing high-quality “Made in Italy” products and the constant search for innovation, features he will then continue to build his success on. In the late eighties, Augusto Mazzolari creates two new chain perfume shops to join the existing Mazzolari stores: Garbo and Olympia Beautè, with their own stores available throughout northern Italy today.
Augusto Mazzolari is a leader in his sector in Italy, boasting half a century of work with all the world’s most famous luxury brands. Today, Mazzolari’s product ranges meet all customer needs and necessities as regards personal care. The prestige of its Milan-based boutiques is renown worldwide and is based on top quality of product and service, with highly qualified, customer-dedicated staff with a constant eye for detail to meet whatever need a customer entering Mazzolari’s fantastic world of lights and exciting scents may have.