Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
It's pretty evil alright

It smells like what it's advertised as, do not expect it to lead with sandlewood or anything ordinary. At first when my boyfriend put it on I very much got the concrete and gunpowder, like what I would imagine standing next to a freshly collapsed building would smell like. After he wore it for a while, the iodine and blood became much more potent and the reviews saying it smelled like a med tent in battle became much more clear. I kinda liked it at first, but that distinct metallic tinge it got after time is burned into my memory where I can now smell it by thinking about it. Can't say I've had many perfumes/colognes that provide that type of memory recall. It's not good but very strange. 5 outta 5 for being weird and as advertised.

Zofia G.
An Eerie Fragrance

To preface: I would give this fragrance 5 stars easily! However, I had a bit of an allergic reaction/asthmatic response to the smell. I have never experienced that with a perfume before or afterwards. It seems that I am alone in this, though, as even those who I asked to test the scent have said they did not experience what I did at all. With that out of the way...

I've seen various Toskovat fragrances online for awhile, and decided to budge and buy one. Inexcusable Evil sounded the most absurd to me, just because it was supposed to "smell like death". Personally, I and others agree that it smells exactly like an abandoned hospital in a horror game haha, so honestly pretty spot on.

As other reviews have stated, this scent BURNS itself into your memory, there isn't anything like it! It is simultaneously amazing and also nauseating. The first thing that hits you is the metallic and smoky notes, with a whisper of something floral. It hits you like a truck, honestly. After a minute or two of contact with the skin, it transitions to its most pleasant form. The metallic notes mellow out, the florals become a little more prominent, and there is a cotton-y smell meant to resemble bandages. Give it another 30 minutes, though, and this is where the smell becomes nausea-inducing. The floral notes are mostly melted away and the scent involves into what I can only describe as very used bandages and gunpowder. Whatever remains of the floral notes makes the scent resemble decay a little bit as well.

It was awful! But, that was the intention haha. It is an amazing work of art just considering the life cycle of the perfume resembling that of the scene it is trying to emulate. If you wanted to smell like a zombie or a character from any dystopian novel, this is definitely the go-to fragrance.


I saw a post that featured this, and I saw all the scent notes in it and figured I had to try it. It definitely leads up to it's name! I personally get more of a metallic, bloody, woody, charcoal smell, and it definitely makes me feel like something bad, dangerous or scary is about to happen. If you're wanting to smell intimidating with a hint of earth and gunpowder, this is for you!

Wearable Art

A masterpiece, intimidating. Absolutely worth the hype; this brand is really innovative and artful. Love it!

Marq S.
Aggressive at first, then warm and deeply human

I had to smell this when I first saw it. Like. Notes of blood and gunpowder? Wild. But no, it actually accomplishes what it sets out to, I think. At first blush, those ozonic notes are overpowering. The scent is chemical and aggressive, it made me worry that I had made a mistake putting it on without testing it first. It smells like aging plastic, like rubber seals when they’ve started to disintegrate, like strong adhesives and alcohol. But then it mellows. The scent of “blood” is more like skin musk, warm and human. There is a lingering petrichor, like an abandoned city after a rain, and a whiff of vanilla or something like it, familiar but distant. There’s a loneliness in the way this scent dries down, but it’s comfortable, it’s nostalgic, and it reminds me of people and things that I’ve left behind.
I am a historian, primarily. I enjoy old things, my Masters’ is in museum studies. This scent captures my favorite qualities of a hangar full of aging warbirds - paint, metal, leather, fuel, oil, blood. Hopes, fears, tensions long since dissipated, a quiet reminder of war. And most of all, the ghosts of the people who built these machines, who knew them and cared for them and operated them day in and day out. The lingering human energy that somehow makes motionless museum pieces feel like they are still alive. After all, the machines of war are only a reflection of the people who built them.

Human instinct reacts

My father always joked that a man’s cologne should smell like a well used gym, sawdust, horse manure, and blood. I stumbled across this after he passed and had to order some; I thought I’d leave on his grave. I won’t be doing that. My whole body reacted. I had anxiety I just couldn’t shake and had full body chills. My whole person reacted to this as though I’d been through some traumatic life event that I’d deeply suppressed. Long after I washed my hands, sealed it in a baggy, and sprayed deodorizer, I came to the realization that my nose isn’t smelling it, my memory is.

Am I glad I bought it? Yes, I’ve never smelled anything that had this powerful of a reaction and like another reviewer said, it’s worth it for the emotional roller coaster. Will I ever wear it? God no. This could send someone spinning to a place they never should go. Our human DNA is scorched with a genetic memory that this smell is pure inexcusable evil.