The original bottle(s) shown below are not available for purchase. Scent Split hand-decants genuine fragrances into sample sizes. Scent Split has no affiliation with the manufacturers or brand owners of the designer fragrances.
Mendittorosa Odori d’Anima is an Italian niche brand founded in 2012. (The true meaning of ‘Mendittorosa’ is only known by the brand’s creator, Stefania Squeglia, while Odori d’Anima translates as ‘Scents of the Soul’.) Comprised of three collections, Mendittorosa includes; The Trilogy (Alfa, Omega, ID); The Duo (North and South); Talismans Collezione Preziosia (Le Mat, Sogno Reale, Nettuno). Signora Squeglia’s inspiration and unconditional passion to create Mendittorosa is situated within the active volcano of Stromboli. These spiritual scents are made from the finest raw materials and collaboratively created to convey deeply personal sentiments. They come in handcrafted packaging, adorned with artisanal detail and hewn from various materials such as wood, metal, terracotta, rope. A remarkably personal brand, Mendittorosa is fragrant magic.