Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Like kissing a trail down someone's torso

In case it wasn't clear from the description or the very phallic special edition bottle, this is an x-rated fragrance. And if you read the user reviews online, you'd think it must be very challenging to wear, but actually it's quite enjoyable. Animalic scents are particularly subjective, so mileage will vary. That plasticky antiseptic smell that people often liken to band-aids or a public urinal is present here, but for me it faded pretty quickly. This is a powdery vanilla tobacco scent with a strong, sweet musk: not sharp at all. It's very thoughtfully blended, and I really enjoyed wearing it. The experience is heady, delicious and erotic. Definitely an evening scent (I do not recommend wearing it to work.) To me it smells almost exactly like the soft skin beneath someone's navel - in a good way. I think it's quite underrated compared to other Nasomatto scents. I'm also really impressed by how well it blended with my skin chemistry, and the drydown just keeps getting better and better. I had to come back and bump this review to 5 stars because I went from liking it to absolutely adoring it as the night went on.

M I.
